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Top 5 Strange But Interesting Scientific News

Zak Ben - Thursday, March 06, 2014
The world in which we live never ceases to amaze. It is indeed a "natural stage" stunning and mind blowing, where the macrocosm and microcosm continue to offer us every moment countless surprises and making us continually discover things we never suspected existed.

And as it happens, now, alwaysmore frequently, the web has become the ideal place than new or surprising and groundbreaking scientific research and technological progress areable to give to man.

The latest discoveries "scientific", carried out by the various technical teams and published through traditional systems, are disclosed in a very short time bouncing screen screen and become part of the everyday life simply by entering its coordinates on a pc keyboard.
Today we have chosen for you some of the latest scientific news that we were surprised and interested in more. If you are curious you can just scroll down the list you will find below. Good read.

Top 5 Strange Weird Science News But Interesting Scientific

1. the dinosaurs were warm-blooded

A team of scientists from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), in the United States, he discovered, through the development of a cutting-edge approach, that the body temperature of gigantic sauropods like Brachiosaurus (Giraffatitan), was very close to that of modern man.
Analyzing the isotopic concentrations of carbon and oxygen in bioapatite mineral (calcium phosphate with a structure similar to hydroxyapatite, capable of storing and releasing calcium and phosphorus) of 11 different species 2 teeth of sauropods (the Brachiosaurus and Camarasaurus), huge dinosaurs defending the largest animal ever to exist on this earth, the experts were able to achieve the same result "that you might have using a thermometer on an animal extinct from 150 million years"He says proud Robert Eagle, author of the experiment.

They discovered that the Brachiosaurus had a temperature of 38.2 degrees Celsius and about 35.7 Camarasaurus, a temperature, it seems, is comparable to that of modern mammals. A study conducted by the University of Adelaide (Australia) confirms the same thing and that is that the dinosaurs were not as modern reptiles, but were warm-blooded like birds and mammals.

Both groups of scientistsdemonstrated that if it was in cold blood a dinosaur would not be equipped with the muscle strength necessary to prey upon other animals.Dinosaurs, therefore, necessarily had to be equipped with warm-blooded, required to make them the fearsome predators that we all learned toknow through books, films and documentaries.

In addition, if they were really as large crocodiles, dinosaurs would not have had even aresistance comparable to that of mammals, then they would not have managed to drive them and to feed.

2. Tow Arctic icebergs up in Africa

In the North there are gigantic icebergs , and further South, millions of people are without drinking water. "We must do something to solve this problem," said recently theFrench engineer Georges Mougin, intending to tow icebergs of the deserted polar wastes to places where water is in short supply. For example, from the island of Newfoundland Canadian since in North Africa.

Using computer simulations, Mougin studied how to make a project so ambitious, and arrived at the conclusion that a tug may tow an iceberg from 7 million tons from Newfoundland to the Canary Islands, off the northwest coast of the African continent, in 141 days, supplying drinking water to 35,000 people per year.
The project is not devoid of pitfalls and problems to be solved: the storms pose a serious threatfor a tugboat with a giant iceberg to tow, and if the iceberg breaks into 2 or more parts, may be generated waves up to 60 metres. In addition, the iceberg scioglierebbe during the trip, but this problem can be reduced by winding with a "floating belt" 12-metre high isolation.

Georges Mougin has calculated that the cost to tow an iceberg from 7 million tons from the island of Newfoundland in the Canary Islands, would cost about $ 100,000, which would bring the price of water at $ 1.50 per liter. "Using larger iceberg, the price would be reduced," says Mougin.

3. The cooler star has a temperature of only 25° C

There are stars in the firmament which does not shine. These "failed stars" called brown dwarfs, they are difficult to detect using conventional telescopes, but the space telescope of the NASA, WISE (Wide-Field Infrared SUrvey Explorer), you can captarne the faint infrared radiation. When WISE discovered ben 100 brown dwarfs that had never seen before.

Six of them dintinguono for temperature, exceptionally "fresh". These stars are called Y dwarfs, and are particularly close to the Solar System, namely at a distance of 9-40 light-years. The coldest between Y dwarfs, by 1812, 2650 + surface temperature of 25° C only. This feature makes it the coldest stellar body ever discovered. As a comparison, suffice it to say that the temperature of the surface of the Sun is 5,500 degrees.

Astronomers using the telescope WISE, wanted to be sure that those who had discovered they were actually cold stars, so they asked for assistance to other astronomers. Consequently, various terrestrial telescopes, the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes, were aimed towards Y dwarfs, to confirm the discovery.

Brown dwarfs, the small size of their mass, they never "turned on", and actually more similar to giant planetsoperating in space on its own. Now astronomers are studying the nane to discover more about their training. Because brown dwarfs look like big balls of gas, study them would also discover more astronomers about the nature of planets orbiting around stars.

4. the hawks in winter become seabirds

These birds are terrestrial animals, but in Greenland are transformed into seabirds. The gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) were miniscule applied satellite transmitters, which allowed ornithologists study during the year. First, g | the scientists believed that all species of hawks elapse time ashore, and avventurassero only briefly on the sea to hunt.

But now ornithologists, such as thosethe Univelsità of Oxford, England, have documented evidence from satellite, which some Greenland gyrfalcon spend part of the winter insea, where hunt Seagull, ducks and other seabirds that live on the iceberg or pack ice.

Making use of networks, ornithologists have captured gyrfalcon 48 Greenlandic in different locations: Qaanaaq, North West, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, and Ittoqqonoormiit on the East Coast. The birds were applied satellite transmitters that allowed ornithologists follow the movements throughout the year.

Upon reception of the satellite data, the scientists were able not only to discover that the hawks in winterbecame seabirds, but also that the size of the area to hunt for their necessary varied considerably.

The birds on the West Coast were able to get food into small areas that ranged from 383 km2 to 6,657 km2. On the East Coast the gyrfalcon had to engage much more for food, and hunting areas stretched from 26,810 miles2 to 63,647 km2. These vast hunting grounds are the largest winter habitats that scientists have so far documented for a Raptor.

5. the heavy armor the Knights affaticavano

The heavy armour of cavalieí were so heavy (in general the armor for a man weighed about 45 -50 kg) that have influenced the history, as they then scopeno British scientists of theUniversity of Leeds, who have conducted tests on soqgetti that, wearing copies of medieval Armors have trained under stress running on treadmills.
Physical experiments show that the weight of armour leads to a rapid and shallow breathing, a sign that the muscles receive less oxygen. At the same time, they accuse a huge weight on his legs, which significantly reduces mobility.

Scientists believe that the heavy armor haspenalized French army, more numerous and better equipped, which was defeated by the English in the battle of Agincourt, October 26, 1415.TheFrench forces were forced to make their way laboriously through the mud during the March to the battlefield, arriving exhausted already at the time ofclash with the British, who had the better.