Top 10 Extremely Bizarre Phobias

Many fears and anxieties can be ludicrous to most people. Yet certain phobias trigger in some people terrible symptoms.

Cognitive psychology lend much interest for emotional disturbances. In "Abnormal Psychogy" HJ Eisenck presented the idea that certain phobias, are produced by several factors, the infant traumand geneticderivations. Fortunately most common fears are also the most shared, the phobia of the dark, insects, closed spaces and the fear of flying.

This ranking highlights the existence of abnormal fears and somewhat bizarre.

10. Fear of holes-Trypophobia

Trypophobia is a term that was coined in 2005. British academics Arnold Wilkins and Geoff Cole claim to have studied first Trypophobia. They define it as a reaction of revulsion in the presence of holes. In an article for Psychological Science, the two scholars have explained that the reaction is based on a reflection of the brain, which associates that kind of danger.

9. Sanguivoriphobia – Fear of vampires

Sanguivoriohobia is the fear of vampires. The most common reason that can unleash the phobia is a traumatic event in a person's life, tied to vampires. People associated with traumatic events in their lives that may be a book or a movie about vampires. Symptoms can present as anxiety attacks when they see vampires in the media. Therapists have recommend exposure therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is often used to help patients with serious fears.

8. Triskaidekaphibia – Fear of the number 13

Is fear of the number 13, this is more than a superstition and generally people suffering from this phobia, has a tendency to not use this number. The term was coined by 2 Coriat, American psychiatrist and neurologist Abnormal Psychology in his book published in 1910.

7. Nomophobia – Fear running out of phone

Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone. It was coined in 2010 during a study commissioned by YouGov, a research organization based in the United Kingdom. The study found that nearly 53% of mobile phone users tend to be anxious when they lose their mobile phone, remain without credit or have run out of battery.

6. wind-Ancraophobia-Fear

Ancraophobia is the fear of the wind or air currents. This disorder results from a psychological trauma caused by a negative experience. People suffering from this phobia tend to be frightened, from climate change and storms.

5. Ephebiphobia – Fear of young people

Ephebiphobia is the fear of youth. The term refers to an article in 1994, published by Delta Phi Kappa, a professional organization for educators based in Bloomington. It is the fear of youth and adolescents ' disgust. The sociologist Ray Oldenburg has shown how the generation gap and the frequent segregation of youth from adults, it is common in many societies developed. Also a too permissive attitude towards adolescents can denote a fear towards them.

4. Mymecophobia – Fear of ants

It is the terror of the ants, who suffer from this fear you can have the phobia of insects in General. This fear can be triggered by many factors, such as the ants that contaminate the procurement of a person or the Ant invasion of private space.

3. wood Hylophobia-Fear, Woods and trees

It is a psychological disorder caused by an irrational fear of Woods, forests and trees. Most phobias start with a traumatic event in their lives, the causes of this phobia are not certain.

2. Scriptophobia-Fear of writing in public

Scriptophobia is fear of writing in public or of writing in General. Sufferers tend to be cautious in writing in the presence of other people, with symptoms such as nausea, tremors and elevated heartbeat. Although it may seem strange, it is a phobia is shared by many. It is compared to the fear of public speaking. Usually comes from a childhood trauma, from insecurity of one's handwriting.

1.-Fear of Panphobia

It cannot be regarded as a specific distress, but is simply fear of everything. The term was coined by Theodule Armand Ribot in his 1911 work psychology of emotions. The disorder is described as a State in which the patient is all or nothing and anxiety instead of being focused on a specific fear persists in many circumstances.
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