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The 5 Most Beautiful Cat Breeds in the US

Zak Ben - Monday, April 14, 2014
The domestic cat belongs to the family of felines, the same as the Lynx, wild cat and other larger animals such as lion, Tiger, Cheetah and Panther. Just a glance to notice the resemblance of the cat with the other felines, evident in streaks and stains, hair colour and in the shape of the eyes, in the elegance of the movements and in the strong propensity for hunting. In the course of their evolution, cats have kept almost all the features that make them uncontested predators.

The tie that binds our species to the feline began relatively recently (about 5,000 years ago) than undertaken by our ancestors with the hips. According to most theories are credited, the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) comes from North African Wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica), close relative of the current European Wildcat), which was likely to be tamed by the ancient Egyptians to defend the granaries from raids and depredations of mice.

A cat is an undemanding creature by nature, which usually takes from a report only what you are willing to give and nothing more. Cats have times when they seem immensely pleased to see you, but when you are not there in the corner to suffer for your absence. Have a secret life outside the relationship with you, but when you are, your presence will be appreciated. Could demonstrate their affection when you are busy and maybe when you want a little pampering: it is not always possible to receive affection from them when you want, as if a light switch.

Cats have a strong personality and are known for their lively and independent nature. If this is them lovingly and you learn to understand the language and behavior, cats are ideal companions, able to adapt without problems in familiar situations.

In the United States of America and in many countries of Europe the cat has for many years and outnumbered the dog (in Italy the little felines are nearly 7 million against 6 million and 800 thousand members of the canine species), demonstrating how a family animal increasingly appreciated and popular, can collect acclaim for both its behavioral characteristics of interaction with the man for his remarkable ability to adapt to home life.

Now around the world, there are some 50 different breeds recognized certifications. Today we will talk of American breeds and in particular we will choose, among all the existing ones, the most beautiful ever 5. See them together.

The 5 Most Beautiful And Popular Cat Breeds in the USA

1. Maine Coon

Also known as "The gentle giant"
Classification according to the GCCF breed: medium-long hair
Country of origin: USA
Lifespan: 9-15 years 
Hereditary and congenital defects known: Spinal muscular atrophy (muscle weakness and tremors); hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
There is a suspicion that other diseases, including hip dysplasia, and patella luxation (dislocation of the kneecap), are inherited.

The firstMaine Coonit was imported into the United Kingdom in 1983, but the breed originated inMainein the fifties of the 19th century. It is one of the oldest natural breeds in North America. The breed is believed to have originated in pairs between short-haired cats pre-existing domestic and overseas long-haired (perhaps Angora types introduced by New England by sailors, or long-haired brought to America by the Vikings). These cats have developed a mantle often hard to defend against that winters ' geographical area (in New England).

The Maine Coon is the largest cat ever (it is not unusual for a male weighing more than 9 pounds, while females weigh slightly less). His coat is medium-thick, impermeable and requires little care. Ears are large with Tufts on the tips and the eye color varies depending on the color of the hair. According to some breeders, this is preferred by male cat!

Cats are affectionate, friendly and expansive, with a need to explore the world around them. Usually they are also called ' relaxed ', with a voice low and chirping. Can be easily trained to walk on a leash and they also have a love for the water. The Maine Coons come in a range of variety of colors including Black, red, cream, silver, blue, smoke, black, white and dilutions of all these colors. 

Interestingly, the nearest breed Maine Coon is the Norwegian Forest Cat who, though distant geographically, has evolved in the same climate and gives credit to the theory that some of the cats are responsible for the development of the Maine Coon cats were brought on by the Vikings. The breed was exhibited at the exhibition feline in New York in 1860, was recorded in 1861, and he won the 1895 show held at Madison Square Garden.
This cat does not require special care: once a week the go clean eyes and ears and brushed; Once a year, preferably in the summer, the bathroom should be made

2. Ocicat

Also known as "Oci"
Classification according to the GCCF breed: Foreigner
Country of origin: USA
Life span: 15 years
This breed does not have any hereditary and congenital defect known and apparently is not prone to any genetic disorders.

The Ocicat is a relatively new breed of cat that originated from accidental mating between a Siamese and a cross between Siamese and Abyssinian in 1964 in a herd of cats in Michigan (United States). One of the cats born from this mating had a very distinctive spotted coat (hence the name Ocicat by Ocelot, a wild feline of Central and South America), and the breed began.

It is a beautiful cat and absolutely wild-looking, very much reminiscent of the feline cousins Tigers and cheetahs. The first Ocicat arrived in the United Kingdom in 1988. This wildly feline appearance, does not correspond to an aggressive and ferocious character: it is rather a very affectionate cat and that usually creates a deep connection with its owners. The Ocicat is a lively, active, outgoing and athletic medium-large size with a muscular body that needs many stimuli and activity.

Loves to have access to outside and some Ocicat find it difficult cohabitation with other cats. Its spotted coat is shorthaired and shiny. The plot on the coat is very special,and spots are like a fingerprint, the bigger the stain the better! The coat is in many beautiful colors, there are all also repeated in ' Silver ' in which they highlighted the points on a silver background. The only permissible design is the tabby spotted, while the colours are brown, chocolate, cinnamon, blue, lilac, fawn and all shades of silver.

He likes the company and is rarely aggressive towards humans, but is very territorial and lively protest if you feel addressed. The Ocicat offers the best of both worlds, it looks like a Wildcat with his fabulous spotted elegant mantle ripple of muscles, body solid and well built, but it is not a threat to the family dog!

Can often be trained to walk on a leash, respond to voice commands and even bring back items launched, like the dog. Once you've met and known an Ocicat will give you everything he has to offer and you will understand their wonderful charm.

3. Ragdoll

Also known as "Cherubim or Ragamuffin"
Classification according to the GCCF breed: medium-long hair
Country of origin: USA
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Hereditary and congenital defects noted: it is suspected that strabismus, deformed tails and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be hereditary.

The Ragdoll is a cat of great size, compact, with a strong and powerful skeleton. Ann Baker , was to breed the first Ragdoll in California in the 1960s; for the pair were later used Burmese cats and Burmese. The Ragdoll was first introduced in the United Kingdom in the 1980s and was able to present it to the feline in 1990 exhibitions.

It's just a legend unique quality attributed to the Ragdoll feeling very little pain and SAG as the rag doll that bear the name when they are taken in your arms! The Ragdoll cats are large to medium-long hair with blue eyes. There are variants colourpoint, Mitted Variant (gloved) with white plate and a two-tone with a characteristic facial mask.

These cats are referred to as accommodating and quiet, with a friendly and easy to handle. Some breeders recommend keeping them at home because they are so aggressive that little would not know. Living safely with other dogs or cats a little aggressive, because the submissive nature and not belligerent led him to avoid quarrels. Cannot be alone or abandoned to itself because it would die of sadness.

Is an extra large cat that can get up to 9 kg; they are all "colour point", i.e. the tip of nose, ears, paws and tail darker than the rest of the body. There are three recognized forms for the mantle of the Ragdoll: the Two-toned with light body, chest, belly and legs, mask and white ears and tail, dark; the light-bodied and Colourpoint ends darker; the Mitted with his chest, the bib, white Chin and Forelegs white "gloved", while the rest is the same as the Colourpoint. The recognized colors are Seal point (seal), the Chocolate point (chocolate), blue point (blue) and the Lilac point (lilac).

Ragdoll in English means "rag doll" and owes its name to a very particular characteristic: when raised relaxes all muscles became weak as a kitten and springs like a rag doll, indeed! Legend has it that the favorite cat Ann Baker, pregnant at the time, was hit by a car that resulted in serious injuries. Healed from the trauma, she gave birth to li a few days a new litter from the sweet character. These new kittens, when they were taken in her arms, leaving completamentecome if they were rag dolls.

Despite the large mantle, there is presence of nodes and is therefore quite simple cleaning, brushing and regular giving, paying more attention to longer hairs around the neck and tail. Brush it about twice a week is sufficient.

4. LaPerm

Also known as "Dalles LaPerm"
Classification according to the GCCF breed: Foreigner
Country of origin: USA
Lifespan: 12 years
Fortunately, this breed does not have any hereditary and congenital defect known and apparently is not prone to any genetic disorders.

The LaPerm was obtained in the 1980s in a colony of cats fromOregon's farm, when a kitten abandoned farm was greeted by Linda Kohel and called Curly. Born with a naked skin, filed two months later a curly and silky fur. The cats line descending from this gave superb specimens, without apparent genetic defects and with the robust Constitution of ancestors in the Hague. The T.I.C.A. (The International Cat Association) recognized breed (virtually unknown outside the United States) and has drawn up a standard in 1996.

As its name suggests (perm in English means ripple), even eyebrows and whiskers are curled. Crossings were made with Ocicat, Tonkinesi, Somalis, Tiffanie, Abyssinian, Burmese and Asian (that mix!).

The LaPerm has large expressive eyes and slightly oblique, medium-sized head, modified wedge with rounded contours and a longhair curly coat or short and wavy, depending on the variety. There are both long-haired variety is short haired, and has accepted a wide range of colors. It has a triangular head and a snout and prominent.

Have a very affectionate and outgoing character prone to love people. They are excellent hunters, curious, playful, very intelligent and fall in love right away of their master that they follow everywhere. Rarely are vowels, except when they want something. The LaPerm cat is an expansive, affectionate and curious, who loves to be held in her arms, it turns out, then, be perfect for cohabitation with children and elderly people.

To keep the fur of the LaPerm in perfect condition, the cat should be washed regularly with warm water and dried with a cotton sponge. Blow-drying can make your hair Frizz.

5. Selkirk Rex

Also known as "Sheep Cat"
Classification according to the GCCF breed: British
Country of origin: USA
Lifespan: 9-15 years
Hereditary and congenital defects known: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, unconfirmed.

The breed of cats Selkirk Rex developed more recently is not from the southwest of England, as the Cornish and Devon, nor from Selkirk in Scotland. Its origin is in the United States and takes its name from the Selkirk Mountains which, although often erroneously considered to be in the United States, are in reality in British Columbia, Canada.

The first Selkirk Rex was born in 1987, for spontaneous mutation, when a short-haired cat and hedgehog "Dilute calico" was born amid a litter of normal domestic cats. After development, the female was made to pair with a black Persian. From this accoppiamonto the 4 July 1988 six puppies were born, three of which reproduce the same mantle of the mother. The breed was recognized in America in 1992.

The body of Selkirk is fairly squared, with a large head and short mustache and round and curled. The characteristic coat is either wavy or short and medium-long with curls more dense. Farmers are advised to keep the mantle at full form of ' spray it with water and then squeeze the hair between your fingers to arricciarlo». It is a solid built cat, medium-sized or large, and is always heavier than it may appear.

The character of Selkirk is described with all the classic adjectives: playful, affectionate, sweet, like a dog, etc. I'm incredibly pazienti and tolerant, is never aggressive and play willingly. They are perfect for apartment cats suitable for family life. Little voice, is the perfect companion for those seeking a little lively cat but at the same time gentle and sociable. lthough accepts coexistence with glad other animals, however, little noisy companies favors and intrusive. Exist in all colors and shapes, including pointed. Can be short or long hair.